Normally I do a newborn session in the early morning. Babies just sleep better in the morning. I have four, I know. But I also know that each child is different. My daughter Alice sleeps through a train driving through the house and Dean wakes when you fart on the other side of the house.
We did these newborn photos at their house in Pflugerville. This session was pretty awesome and sad for me at the same time because I absolutely love Trish and Nick. And their little man Joshua with his old man belly is way awesome too. This is one cool family.What was sad is that they were leaving the very next day so I will miss the opportunity to see this little man grow up. We were very limited on our day to work and our time to work. This was done in the afternoon, once again not my ideal time but I make it work. This is a mixture of both lifestyle and traditional poses. His daddy is a pilot so of course he had his own aviator hat. His little head swam in it. And what little boy is not a prince? Welcome to the world baby J!
Austin, Texas 760-402-7287